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Know your immune cells: B lymphocytes! 😍
1. B cells can differentiate into memory B cells or plasma cells; the former provides long-term immunity, while the latter produces...
Know your immune cells'. Featuring NK cells! 👩🚒
1. Natural Killer (NK) cells are part of the innate immune system: provide immediate response to pathogens without prior exposure. 2. NK...
'Know your immune cells'. Featuring Dendritic cells! 💎
1. Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered the most potent antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Upon capturing antigens, dendritic cells migrate...
'Know your Immune Cells' - Feature 2: Macrophages! 💥
1. Macrophages are found in virtually all tissues and are often referred to by different names depending on their location, such as...
Starting the series 'Know your immune cells'. Featuring Neutrophils! 👩🚒
1. Neutrophils are the most abundant type of white blood cells in the human body, accounting for about 50-70% of all WBCs. 2. Neutrophils...
Nanoparticles Shine New Light on Cancer Treatment: Targeting Metastases and Boosting Immune System
Scientists at Ruhr University have made a discovery in the fight against cancer by developing nanoparticles that can effectively target...
Immune Cells Create Their Own Guidance System for Faster Targeting
Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) have made discoveries about how immune cells navigate complex...
The Gut Microbiome's Role in Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer: A Dietary Connection
In an era where colorectal cancer rates are surprisingly on the rise among younger adults, researchers are delving into the connection...
Unlocking the Hidden Link Between Circadian Rhythms and Cancer
In our fast-paced modern world, we often take for granted the intricate dance of our body's internal clocks, known as circadian rhythms....
Why do some people lose their sense of smell after COVID-19?
While most COVID-19 patients with loss of smell (anosmia) recover their olfactory senses, some do not. This may be due to an...
Friendly monkeys have helpful gut microbes
A recent study on rhesus macaques on the Cayo Santiago island in Puerto Rico observed that monkeys who were more socially active had more...
Anaphylaxis, is that you?
Clinical case Ana is a 25-year-old girl who lives in Amsterdam. She has been previously diagnosed with a dairy allergy so she ensures she...
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